Final Thoughts and Reflection
Not only is this my first experience designing an app from start to finish, but also my first real experience designing in Figma. Prior to this class, my expertise had mainly been in a wide range of Adobe Suite software. These programs helped assist me in my Figma Journey, although I still had a lot to learn! I love seeing the evolution in my knowledge of user interaction, and finally understanding how valuable an extensive period of research and user testing is. Keeping myself organized was key to stopping me from being overwhelmed, although that still happened from time to time haha. Luckily with some practice, I was able to use the tools that Figma provides to the best of my ability. Of course, I have to give a lot of my credit to the wonderful professor Katya Rozanova, who guided me and the rest of my class through any questions and problems that we could have. She also taught us the importance of human-centered design, which is an idea that aligns with many of my core values. Having a professor that can provide quality critique and insights is such a valuable asset to me!
It is interesting to look back at this project and see an idea that is not only great for a class prompt but also one that could be practical in real-world scenarios. For now, this project will stay within Figma, but it would be interesting to see this become a real product sometime in the future!
Please feel free to check out the full prototype with the link below!