High Fidelity Prototype

After assembling my style guide, creating a solid foundation of components and visuals, and having multiple feedback sessions, I was ready to finish the high-fidelity portion of this project. Below are some interactions within the app!

Feed Section

With how much content an app like this would need, user feedback helped on a solution of having multiple viewpoint options. This allowed for more listings displayed at once or a more intimate viewing experience.

Users also noted that having the option to filter items by category quickly would reduce the time someone would spend scrolling through all available items.

Camera Functionality

Being able to post listings as fast as possible was crucial for this design, as most use cases would be for people walking to and from destinations. The use of reverse image search would signifficantly cut the time to post down, but a confirmation screen is implemented to reduce errors that could be caused by the AI. 

Likes to Navigation

Similarly to having the ability to make a post as fast as possible, I wanted users with interest in an item to be able to get the directions to it as fast as possible, simply by tapping the item and getting the directions!