Typolicious Magazine

Layout, Design, and Printing

This self designed 12 page magazine features full-page spreads, interview articles, and advertisements made specifically for this project. This experience taught me some crucial skills in organization, time management, and design consitstency.

Centerfold Feature Articles

The feature articles had to primarily focus on showcasing 3 different type faces. I decided to incorporate the Pantone color of the year as a way to carry the articles narative on climate change, with each color representing various climate based issues. 

Interview Articles & Ad Campaign

Since part of this project required students to incorporate an ad campaign, I decided to use each advertisement as a page-break for the corresponding interviews.

Each interview discusses various topics regarding the designer. To keep the interviews cohesive, I displayed the name of each designer in a contrasting color and allowed them to run off the side of the page.

Conclusions and Reflections

Without the knowledge I gained from such an extensive project like this, I would not have been able to successfully be the layout editor for the City College of New York Newspaper.

Gestalt Design Studio

Package Design

One of the most under looked aspects of a product is the experience the consumer gets in the packaging. In recent years, companies have focused their attention on that idea. This project's prompt was to create a brand identity along with a physical shirt and the packaging it came in, but for me it was answering the question of “how can I make the customers experience memorable?.” This project's arc in design implementation is a notable example of my growth as a designer.

Due to the nature of the packaging, one of the biggest hurdles was to be able to have the shirt fit, along with a required pamphlet. The ideal solution came from trying multiple shapes and sizes of cans, interchanging the lids to create a more seamless experience for the user. With careful preparation, as well as rolling the shirt rather than folding, the end design was a success!

The majority of my design thinking for this project was inspired by what I grew up seeing on TV commercials. However, a major limitation to using this style as my inspiration was the size and shape of the can. Had the shirt not fit, my influence would have come from another highly known packaging. In terms of longevity, cohesiveness is key, so the idea of having multiple products sold in packages within this theme would create a brand identity. For example, pants in a cereal box packaging, sox in a tuna can, etc.

Self Promotional Posters


As a child of immigrant parents from the Soviet Union, I grew up with a heavy influence on the arts and culture of that late period. I’ve always been fascinated with the relevant design trends of Bauhaus and Constructivism, and used this project as an oppurtunity to play with various colors, geometric forms, and a fun selection of fonts! These posters are done under a movie poster format, each showcasing my contact information. At the bottom of each poster features “Слава Україні!”, or “glory to Ukraine!” in Ukranian <3

   World Trade Center Infographic 

Communication Design

This project is an example of the evolution in my design thinking and execution research and process. To streamline my design thinking process, I gave myself a brief prompt to follow to mitigate drawing away from the focus of the project. The idea is that this poster informs the viewer of the differences between the One World Trade Center and its former buildings. It also gives insight into the history of both structures and comparisons to other iconic buildings of New York City.

One of the biggest take aways I had from this project is the importance of imagery and visuals as a replacement for text. Previously in my education, I relied so heavily on text to convey messages. Having a prompt that required a minimal amount of copy allowed me to strengthen some skills in that had needed improvement.

Type Anatomy Poster

Typography I

This poster is a redesign of work that I had done the previous year for my Typography 2 course. So, when it came time to use my newfound expertise and style, I had a design prompt that challenged certain areas of my design like visual hierarchy and color theory.